Smiling and Smiling, Passing by 

Smiling and Smiling. 
Passing by. 
Performance by Yingmei Duan and Tobias Mud.

These two performances are part of a series of performances by Yingmei, titled ‘Yingmei in Wonderland’ which took place as a part of No Intermission performance project on 24-30 October 2022 at Royal Theatre Carré in Amsterdam in co-creation with the Marina Abramovic Institute. 
No Intermission Curatorial Team: Paula Garcia (lead curator), Marina Abramovic, Thanos Argyropoulos, Serge Le Borgne, Billy Zhao. 

Stills from video documentation. 
Videography: Louis Hothothot.
Video Editing: Yingmei Duan and Tobias Mud.